Thursday, March 10, 2022
The Great Chinatown Fire
On New Year's Eve one hundred years ago, the first of a number of controlled fires were set in Chinatown as a way of defending Honolulu from bubonic plague, known in history as Black Death. Next to the Pearl Harbor attack, the outbreak of plague was the greatest public-safety disaster in Hawaiian history. The government was determined to do anything to save the city -- even burn it to the ground. Today we begin the first of a four-part series describing the events leading up to what became known as the Great Chinatown Fire.
Sunday, March 06, 2022
The one country that could stop Russia
With every passing day, the war in Ukraine becomes a bigger tragedy for the Ukrainian people but also a bigger threat to the future of Europe and the world at large. There is only one country that might have the power to stop it now, and it’s not the United States. It’s China.
If China announced that, rather than staying neutral, it was joining the economic boycott of Russia — or even just strongly condemning its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and demanding that it withdraw — it might shake Vladimir Putin enough to stop this vicious war. At a minimum, it would give him pause, because he has no other significant ally aside from India in the world now.
Why would President Xi Jinping of China take such a stand, which would seemingly undermine his dream of seizing Taiwan the same way Putin is attempting to seize Ukraine? The short answer is that the past eight decades of relative peace among the great powers led to a rapidly globalizing world that has been the key to China’s rapid economic rise and the elevation out of poverty for some 800 million Chinese people since 1980. Peace has been very good for China. Its continued growth depends on China’s ability to export to and learn from that world of steadily integrating and modernizing free markets.
The whole Faustian bargain between the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese citizenry — the C.C.P. gets to rule while the people get to be steadily better off economically — depends to a significant degree on the stability of the global economy and trading system.
To Chinese strategists caught up in old-think — that any war that weakens modern China’s two primary rivals, America and Russia, has to be a good thing — I would say the following: Every war brings with it innovations (new ways to fight, win and survive), and the war in Ukraine is no exception.
We have already seen three “weapons” deployed in ways we’ve never seen before or not seen in a long time, and China would be wise to study them all. Because if China doesn’t help stop Russia now, these weapons will either ultimately hammer Putin into submission — which means they might be used against China one day, should it seize Taiwan — or damage Russia so badly that the economic effects will radiate everywhere. These weapons might even prompt Putin to do the unthinkable with his nuclear arms, which could destabilize and even destroy the global foundations on which China’s future rests.
The most important innovation in this war is the use of the economic equivalent of a nuclear bomb, simultaneously deployed by a superpower and by superempowered people. The United States, along with the European Union and Britain, has imposed sanctions on Russia that are crippling its economy, critically threatening companies and shattering the savings of millions of Russians at an unprecedented speed and scope that bring to mind a nuclear blast.
Putin has now figured that out — and said so explicitly on Saturday: The U.S.- and E.U.-led sanctions are “akin to a declaration of war.” (Vladimir, you haven’t felt the half of it yet.)
Second, because the world is now so wired, superempowered individuals, companies and social activist groups can pile on their own sanctions and boycotts, without any government orders, amplifying the isolation and economic strangulation of Russia beyond what nation-states are likely to do. These new actors — a kind of global ad hoc pro-Ukraine-resistance-solidarity-movement — are collectively canceling Putin and Russia. Rarely, if ever, has a country this big and powerful been politically canceled and economically crippled so fast.
The third weapon is both new and old, and it’s a spiritual and emotional one: The West has rediscovered its voice. Faced with the raw, primitive onslaught by Russia against a flawed but aspiring democracy like Ukraine, the free world has been aroused. America and liberal societies in general can often look and act dumb and divided — until they aren’t. Ask Adolf Hitler.
These three weapons should be enough to get China’s attention. So let’s look closer at how they work in practice.
The Biden administration, in an effort to deter Putin, assembled a powerful package of deep and broad economic sanctions and warned the Russian leader that if he invaded Ukraine, he’d be betting his whole farm — the economic viability of his country and regime. Tragically, Putin bet the farm, and the results have been swift and merciless.
The Russian ruble-based stock market has been closed ever since Russia’s major financial institutions were either placed under sanctions or thrown off the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system, Barron’s reported, but “the dollar-denominated secondary listings of Russian companies in London are still trading. The destruction of market value is astonishing.” It added that shares in Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, “have collapsed more than 99 percent since mid-February, when its stock traded at around $14.” Last Wednesday in London trading, Barron’s noted, “the shares bottomed out at 1 cent.”
On Thursday the rating agencies Fitch and Moody’s “downgraded Russia by six notches to ‘junk’ status, saying Western sanctions threw into doubt its ability to service debt and would weaken the economy,” Reuters reported.
Ever since Putin faced sanctions in 2014 for annexing Crimea and fomenting rebellion in eastern Ukraine, he has been amassing reserves of foreign currency and gold — some $630 billion worth — to try to insulate Russia from more global sanctions by giving his central bank all the ammo it needed to protect the value of the ruble. Or so he thought.
“It turns out that Russia’s foreign reserves strategy had a major flaw: About half of the money was held overseas in foreign banks — and now Russia can’t get to it” because of the sanctions, noted Fortune. So the ruble savings of many Russians are being ravaged.
Bloomberg quoted Marina Gretskaya, a 32-year-old Russian living in London who moved last year to work in communications. She kept a ruble savings account in an online Russian bank, Tinkoff. Two weeks ago, her assets there were worth $7,400. On Monday, the ruble plummeted more than 30 percent against the dollar. That evaporated more than $2,000 from her savings. “It’s a month’s salary,” she said. The same is almost certainly true for tens of millions of Russians — and it’s just starting.
Oh, and by the way, in this wired world, guess who owns a significant portion of Russia’s commercial airline fleet.
Not Russia.
Roughly two-thirds of Russia’s commercial airliners were made by Boeing (334 jets) or Airbus (304), Reuters reported. A significant portion of those are owned by Irish leasing companies. The Dublin-based AerCap, the world’s biggest airplane-leasing company, owns “152 aircraft across Russia and Ukraine valued at almost $2.4 billion,” The Irish Times reported. In addition, the Dublin-based companies SMBC Aviation Capital and Avolon own 48 aircraft between them that are leased to Russian airlines.
E.U. sanctions require those companies to repossess all those planes on lease to Russian airlines by the end of March. And Boeing and Airbus announced that they will no longer service or provide spare parts for any of these planes. On Saturday, Russia’s state airline, Aeroflot, said that it would suspend all international flights because of “additional circumstances that prevent the performance of flights.” Domestic flights are sure to follow.
Russia spans 11 time zones. If this persists, the grip of the Russian central government over the Russian landmass could begin to loosen. In the Russian Far East there are a lot of cities closer to Beijing than Moscow. Just saying …
Now add the sanctions, boycotts and pressure points coming from the superempowered nonstate actors. My favorite is Jack Sweeney, a 19-year-old University of Central Florida student who created a Twitter account — @RUOligarchJets, or Russian Oligarch Jets — that tracks the private jets of Russian billionaires close to Putin. “While the 19-year-old is hardly the only person to offer such services,” noted Bloomberg, what makes his account different is its “easy accessibility and the enticing window” it offers on the lives of Putin’s cronies.
The account garnered 53,000 followers in just a few days, and it now has almost 400,000; a single individual, Sweeney is making it more difficult for Putin’s pals to hide their often ill-gotten wealth.
This is the globalization of moral outrage: It goes from watching a short video online showing Russian soldiers firing on a Ukrainian nuclear energy facility to an employee posting that video on his or her Facebook page to a group of employees emailing their bosses or going on Slack — not to ask their C.E.O.s to do something but to tell them they have to do something or they will lose workers and customers.
It is happening in companies all over the world. Shortly after Putin invaded Ukraine, BP, on its own, said it was quitting its operations in Russia after working with an oil firm there for roughly 30 years. For Russia to lose the petroleum engineering talent of BP is a huge blow.
Russia and Russians are now being canceled from every direction — from ballerinas to soccer teams to companies to orchestras — and it is being driven increasingly by superempowered individuals and small groups. And when the cancel juggernaut gets going globally, it acts without mercy. As The Times reported last week, “A day after organizers of the Paralympic Winter Games announced that they would allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to take part in the competition, the board made a stunning reversal and barred athletes from both countries on the eve of the opening ceremony.”
There are two big dangers, though, with these innovations. If the economic nuclear bomb that the United States and its allies just detonated in Russia crushes its economy as quickly and deeply as I suspect it will, there is a danger, however remote, that Putin will go to greater, even unthinkable extremes, like launching a real nuclear weapon.
The second danger — and China, in particular, should keep this in mind — is that while nation-states may choose to lift their sanctions at some point for hard-core realpolitik reasons, the nonstate actors may not. These are highly decentralized organizations.
When Anonymous, the global hacker consortium, announced that it was attempting to take down Russian websites, that was not by government order; it just acted on its own. Who does Russia call to get Anonymous to accept a cease-fire?
Putin was a total ignoramus about the world he was living in, and so he bet the farm in the 21st-century casino of globalization, where, in the end, the house always wins — or there is no house left.
There are signs that China recognizes some of these new realities — that no country is too big to be canceled in the wired world. But its initial instinct seems to be to try to insulate itself from that reality, rather than step up to help reverse Putin’s aggression. To which I say: Good luck with that. China cannot be connected and disconnected at the same time.
So I hope not only that China’s leaders don’t bet their farm on a quick grab of Taiwan. I hope Beijing joins instead with the West and so much of the rest of the world in opposing Putin. China would emerge as a true global leader if it did that. If it chooses instead to ride with the outlaws, the world will be less stable and less prosperous for as far as the eye can see — especially China.
What will it be, Xi?
-- Thomas Friedman, New York Times, 3/6/22
Ukraine-Russia scenarios (Thomas Friedman)
The battle for Ukraine unfolding before our eyes has
the potential to be the most
transformational event in Europe since World War II and
the most dangerous confrontation for the world since the
Cuban missile crisis. I see
three possible scenarios for
how this story ends. I call
them “the full-blown disaster,” “the dirty compromise”
and “salvation.”
The disaster scenario is
now underway: Unless Vladimir Putin has a change of
heart or can be deterred by
the West, he appears willing
to kill as many people as necessary and destroy as much
of Ukraine’s infrastructure as
necessary to erase Ukraine as
a free independent state and
culture and wipe out its leadership. This scenario could
lead to war crimes the scale
of which has not been seen in
Europe since the Nazis.
The wired, globalized
world has never had to deal
with a leader accused of this
level of war crimes whose
country has a landmass spanning 11 time zones, is one of
the world’s largest oil and gas
providers and possesses the
biggest arsenal of nuclear
warheads of any nation.
Every day that Putin refuses to stop we get closer to
the gates of hell. With each
TikTok video and cellphone
shot showing Putin’s brutality, it will be harder and
harder for the world to look
away. But to intervene risks
igniting the first war in the
heart of Europe involving nuclear weapons. And to let Putin reduce Kyiv to rubble,
with thousands of dead —
the way he conquered
Aleppo and Grozny — would
allow him to create a European Afghanistan, spilling
out refugees and chaos.
Putin doesn’t have the
ability to install a puppet
leader in Ukraine and just
leave him there: A puppet
would face a permanent insurrection. So, Russia needs
to permanently station tens
of thousands of troops in
Ukraine to control it — and
Ukrainians will be shooting
at them every day.
I wish Putin was just motivated by a desire to keep
Ukraine out of NATO; his appetite has grown far beyond
that. Putin is in the grip of
magical thinking: As Fiona
Hill, one of America’s premier Russia experts, said in
an interview published Monday by Politico, he believes
that there is something
called “Russky Mir,” or a
“Russian World”; that Ukrainians and Russians are “one
people”; and that it is his
mission to engineer “regathering all the Russian-speakers in different places that
belonged at some point to
the Russian tsardom.”
To realize that vision, Putin
believes that it is his right
and duty to challenge what
Hill calls “a rules-based system in which the things that
countries want are not taken
by force.” And if the U.S. and
its allies attempt to get in Putin’s way — or try to humiliate him the way they did
Russia at the end of the Cold
War — he is signaling that he
is ready to out-crazy us. Or,
as Putin warned the other
day before putting his nuclear force on high alert, anyone who gets in his way
should be ready to face “consequences they have never
seen” before. Add to this the
mounting reports questioning Putin’s state of mind and
you have a terrifying cocktail.
The second scenario is
that somehow the Ukrainian
military and people are able
to hold out long enough
against the Russian blitzkrieg, and that the economic
sanctions start deeply
wounding Putin’s economy,
so that both sides feel compelled to accept a dirty compromise. Its rough contours
would be that in return for a
cease-fire and the withdrawal
of Russian troops, Ukraine’s
eastern enclaves now under
de facto Russian control
would be formally ceded to
Russia, while Ukraine would
explicitly vow never to join
NATO. Meanwhile, the U.S.
and its allies would agree to
lift all recently imposed economic sanctions on Russia.
This scenario remains unlikely because it would require Putin to basically admit
that he was unable to achieve
his vision of reabsorbing
Ukraine into the Russian
motherland, after paying a
huge price in terms of his
economy and the deaths of
Russian soldiers. Moreover,
Ukraine would have to formally cede part of its territory
and accept that it was going
to be a permanent no man’s
land between Russia and the
rest of Europe. It would also
require everyone to ignore
the lesson already learned:
Putin can’t be trusted to leave
Ukraine alone.
Finally, the least likely scenario but the one that could
have the best outcome is
that the Russian people
demonstrate as much bravery and commitment to their
own freedom as the Ukrainian people have shown to
theirs, and deliver salvation
by ousting Putin from office.
Many Russians must be
starting to worry that as long
as Putin is their present and
future leader, they have no
future. Thousands are taking
to the streets to protest Putin’s insane war. They’re doing this at the risk of their
own safety. And though too
soon to tell, their pushback
does make you wonder if the
so-called fear barrier is being
broken, and if a mass movement could eventually end
Putin’s reign.
Even for Russians staying
quiet, life is suddenly being
disrupted in ways small and
large. And then there is the
new “Putin tax” that every
Russian will have to pay indefinitely for the pleasure of
having him as their president. I am talking about the
effects of the mounting sanctions being imposed on Russia by the civilized world.
On Monday, the Russian
central bank had to keep the
Russian stock market closed
to prevent a panicked meltdown and was forced to raise
its benchmark interest rate
in one day to 20% from 9.5%
to encourage people to hold
rubles. Even then the ruble
nose-dived by about 30%
against the dollar — it’s now
worth less than 1 U.S. cent.
For all of these reasons I
have to hope that at this
very moment there are some
very senior Russian intelligence and military officials,
close to Putin, who are meeting in some closet in the
Kremlin and saying out loud
what they all must be thinking: Either Putin has lost a
step as a strategist during his
isolation in the pandemic or
he is in deep denial over how
badly he has miscalculated
the strength of Ukrainians,
America, its allies and global
civil society at large.
If Putin goes ahead and
levels Ukraine’s biggest cities
and its capital, Kyiv, he and
all of his cronies will never
again see the London and
New York apartments they
bought with all their stolen
riches. Instead, they will all
be locked in a big prison
called Russia — with the
freedom to travel only to
Syria, Crimea, Belarus, North
Korea and China, maybe.
Either they collaborate to
oust Putin or they will all
share his isolation cell. The
same for the larger Russian
public. I realize that this last
scenario is the most unlikely
of them all, but it is the one
that holds the most promise
of achieving the dream that
we dreamed when the Berlin
Wall fell in 1989 — a Europe
whole and free, from the British Isles to Vladivostok.
— Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times, March 1, 2022
Saturday, March 05, 2022
a history of corruption in Hawaii
Unethical and criminal behavior from people in positions of trust in most cases begins simply enough.
An elected official accepts a free lunch. A bookkeeper short on cash takes $100 with the intent of paying it back. Employees at the city’s Department of Permitting and Planning welcome malasadas from people trying to get their projects approved.
The justifications for violating the faith placed in them by constituents, local families, churches, community groups and businesses can vary.
They typically boil down to: Entitlement. Hubris. Feeling unappreciated and underpaid. Or, even more cynically: Everyone else does it.
Their betrayal and the price tag of their crimes escalates until they’re caught, criminal charges are filed, reputations are ruined and offenders end up in state jails or federal prisons.
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