Friday, October 17, 2008

mayoral race

[9/25/08] It's disappointing that someone representing the Sierra Club would actually stoop to politically motivated hatchet jobs like the one authored by Randy Ching in yesterday's Star-Bulletin. His mean-spirited attack on Mayor Mufi Hannemann was riddled with distortions from beginning to end, and was a gross mischaracterization of the mayor's impressive environmental record.
-- A.J. Halagao is campaign coordinator for Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann's re-election campaign.

[9/24/08] Oahu's sustainability can't withstand another four years of Mayor Mufi Hannemann. On nearly every key environmental concern - energy, recycling, land protection, clean water, safe streets - Hannemann's policies have been devastating.
-- Randy Ching is chairman of the Sierra Club, Oahu Group

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