Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hawaii's socialized medicine

I am shocked by the opposition to health care reform expressed by letter writers. This is because the bill working its way painfully through Congress is not all that different from the health care reform passed by our Legislature in the mid-1970s.

We have universal health care. There are homeless in a nearby park who have the same wonderful Kaiser plan I do (only, they don't have co-pays). It's been working for us for more than 30 years. So, how is Hawaii's "socialized medicine" doing?

• Hawaii has the lowest per capita health care costs of the 50 states. The second-lowest state is not even close. Can you name anything else that has the nation's lowest cost in Hawaii?

• Hawaii has the nation's longest longevity. We tend to live longer than our mainland friends.

Put the two together and you have to give our health care system an A+ grade. How anyone in Hawaii could oppose our mainland friends getting this is nothing short of astonishing.

Rick Lloyd

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