Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tea Party criticism false

Lately, many letter writers have derided the Tea Party phenomenon as right-wing extremism, but, after watching many of these gatherings, the falseness of the criticisms is obvious. Attackers of the Tea Party are responding to a growing awareness that sweeping political change often comes from such movements.

To paraphrase Saul Alinsky, when one revolutionary movement ends, another begins. Although the liberal/ progressive movement hasn't yet ended, its end is definitely in sight. Even as the current political regime works furiously to complete the New Deal and Great Society transformation of the U.S. into a social welfare state, the failure and destructiveness of that model grows increasingly clear.

When more of the electorate wakes up, as many Tea Partyers have, to this fact, the choices will be two: continue to feed an impossibly expensive, ineffective entitlement culture leading to the decline of the nation, or sweep aside the political mentality that created it. It will be painful, but I believe that Americans will choose the latter.

Jeff Pace

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