Friday, June 14, 2013

Hawaii's population mix

Hawaii has the highest percentage of Asians (or part-Asians) of any state in the United States, far outsurpassing California 56.9% to 15.8%.  It also has the lowest percentage of whites (or part-whites) of any of the states (including Washington D.C.) at 43.8%.

However I believe Caucasians (or hapa) make up the highest percentage of any race over Japanese.

If you can classify Caucasian as a race that is.  Maybe not.  If you classify Caucasian as a race (which includes United States, Canadians, German, Italian, French, etc.), then I guess you could classify Asian as a race (included Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, etc.)  I dunno.

Suffice to say, Hawaii is the most mixed state in the United States.

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