Friday, February 07, 2020

the impeachment inquiry

2/9/20 - Four Republican Senators reportedly warned Trump about firing Sondland
2/7/20 - Trump ousts Vindman and Sondland
2/5/20 - Trump is acquitted along party lines
2/5/20 - Romney to vote guilty
2/4/20 - Rand Paul reads alleged whistleblower's name on Senate floor
1/31/20 - Senate rejects witnesses 51-49
1/31/20 - Murkowski to vote no on witnesses
1/27/20 - Bolton's bombshell book / Republicans under pressure
1/27/20 - Hunter Biden and Burisma
1/25/20 - Trump defense fact check
1/24/20 - Schiff, "Right matters."
1/23/20 - Graham tells Schiff good job
1/22/20 - Why Trump doesn't want Bolton to testify
1/22/20 - Justice Roberts warns of pettifogging
1/21/20 - Giulani says Parnas lied stupidly
1/16/20 - GAO finds Trump administration's hold on military aid to Ukraine was illegal
1/16/20 - Lev Parnas says Trump is lying / big ratings for Maddow
12/22/19 - Trump gives Gabbard respect
12/20/19 - Trump attacks Christianity Today for their editorial
12/19/19 - Tulsi Gabbard votes 'present'
12/19/19 - House of Representatives impeaches President Trump
12/18/19: WSJ: This impeachment folly
12/18/19: Republicans compare Trump to Jesus
12/18/19 - Fact checking Trump's letter to Pelosi
12/15/19 - It's now time to impeach Trump (Star Advertiser editiorial)
12/14/19 - Jeff Van Drew to switch parties over impeachment
12/12/19 - Five takeaways
12/10/19 - House announces impeachment charges
12/9/19 - As Democrats close in on impeachment charges, Republicans cry foul
12/5/18 - Pelosi proceeding with articles of impeachment

11/23/19 - Devin Nunes might face an ethics investigation
11/23/19 - Trump making it hard for GOP defenders
11/22/19 - Trump calls FoxFriends (CNN, George Conway)
11/19/19 - AP fact check on GOP claims
11/13/19 - Trump impeachment hearings: 5 key takeaways from the first day

10/30/19 - Trump adviser for Russian and European affairs, Tim Morrison, resigns ahead of impeachment inquiry testimony
10/10/19 - Fox News poll shows 51% want Trump impeached and removed
10/9/19 - White House says it will not participate in impeachment inquiry
10/9/19 - Biden says Trump should be impeached
10/7/19 - where we are now and how we got here

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